Seminar Spotlight: Travel Photography

It’s been a journey. Four photographers arrived at the first travel photography class on a balmy Oxford morning, DSLR cameras at the ready, but with only vague notions of what those myriad wheels, buttons and switches on the camera actually did. In just a few short classes, we changed all that. No more would they be constrained to the whims of their camera’s Automatic function. F-stop, shutter speed, ISO, and white balance would cease to be foreign terms. Their vision would be altered—from that of the amateur, to that of the Photographer, whose watchful eye sees leading lines, the temperature of light, and the beauty of a rental bike half submerged in a pond.

How did they do it? Through the only method artists have ever improved by: practice. They toured Oxford in the sun, they braved it in the rain, all the while photographing the city, its wonderful architecture, and the many fascinating people, animals, and objects that populate it.

— Aaron & the Photographers